first commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Created by `dart pub`
# Avoid committing pubspec.lock for library packages; see
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
## 1.0.0
- Initial version.
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
This README describes the package. If you publish this package to,
this README's contents appear on the landing page for your package.
For information about how to write a good package README, see the guide for
[writing package pages](
For general information about developing packages, see the Dart guide for
[creating packages](
and the Flutter guide for
[developing packages and plugins](
TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
know whether this package might be useful for them.
## Features
TODO: List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.
## Getting started
TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to
start using the package.
## Usage
TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to `/example` folder.
const like = 'sample';
## Additional information
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to
contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect
from the package authors, and more.
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# This file configures the static analysis results for your project (errors,
# warnings, and lints).
# This enables the 'recommended' set of lints from `package:lints`.
# This set helps identify many issues that may lead to problems when running
# or consuming Dart code, and enforces writing Dart using a single, idiomatic
# style and format.
# If you want a smaller set of lints you can change this to specify
# 'package:lints/core.yaml'. These are just the most critical lints
# (the recommended set includes the core lints).
# The core lints are also what is used by for scoring packages.
# Uncomment the following section to specify additional rules.
# linter:
# rules:
# - camel_case_types
# analyzer:
# exclude:
# - path/to/excluded/files/**
# For more information about the core and recommended set of lints, see
# For additional information about configuring this file, see
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import 'dart:io';
import '../lib/peparse.dart';
void main() {
const filepath = "D:\\software\\qq\\Bin\\QQ.exe";
File file = File(filepath);
var data = ReaderSeeker(file.readAsBytesSync());
var header = ImageDocHeader(data);
var nt = ImageNtHeaders32(data);
var sections = <ImageSectionHeader>[];
for (var i = 0; i < nt.fileHeader.numberOfSections; i++) {
for (var section in sections) {
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// Support for doing something awesome.
/// More dartdocs go here.
export 'src/peparse_base.dart';
export 'src/pojo/image_doc_header.dart' show ImageDocHeader;
export 'src/pojo/image_nt_header.dart' show ImageNtHeaders32;
export 'src/pojo/reader_seeker.dart' show ReaderSeeker;
export 'src/pojo/image_section_header.dart' show ImageSectionHeader;
// TODO: Export any libraries intended for clients of this package.
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// TODO: Put public facing types in this file.
/// Checks if you are awesome. Spoiler: you are.
class Awesome {
bool get isAwesome => true;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import 'dart:typed_data';
import './reader_seeker.dart';
class ImageDocHeader {
int emagic = 0;
int ecblp = 0;
int ecp = 0;
int ecrlc = 0;
int ecparhdr =0;
int eminalloc = 0;
int emaxalloc = 0;
int ess = 0;
int esp = 0;
int ecsum = 0;
int eip = 0;
int ecs = 0;
int elfarlc = 0;
int eovno = 0;
int eres = 0;
int eoemid = 0;
int eoeminfo = 0;
Uint8List eres2 = Uint8List(20);
int elfanew = 0;
ImageDocHeader(ReaderSeeker reader){
var buffer = reader.getData(64);
emagic = buffer.getUint16(0,Endian.little);
ecblp = buffer.getUint16(2,Endian.little);
ecp = buffer.getUint16(4,Endian.little);
ecrlc = buffer.getUint16(6,Endian.little);
ecparhdr = buffer.getUint16(8,Endian.little);
eminalloc = buffer.getUint16(10,Endian.little);
emaxalloc = buffer.getUint16(12,Endian.little);
ess = buffer.getUint16(14,Endian.little);
esp = buffer.getUint16(16,Endian.little);
ecsum = buffer.getUint16(18,Endian.little);
eip = buffer.getUint16(20,Endian.little);
ecs = buffer.getUint16(22,Endian.little);
elfarlc = buffer.getUint16(24,Endian.little);
eovno = buffer.getUint16(26,Endian.little);
eres = buffer.getUint64(28,Endian.little);
eoemid = buffer.getUint16(36,Endian.little);
eoeminfo = buffer.getUint16(38,Endian.little);
eres2 = buffer.buffer.asUint8List(40,20);
elfanew = buffer.getUint32(60,Endian.little);
String toString(){
return '{"emagic":{${emagic.toRadixString(16)}, "ecblp":${ecblp.toRadixString(16)}, "ecp":${ecp.toRadixString(16)}, "ecrlc":${ecrlc.toRadixString(16)}, "ecparhdr":${ecparhdr.toRadixString(16)}, "eminalloc":${eminalloc.toRadixString(16)}, "emaxalloc":${emaxalloc.toRadixString(16)}, "ess":${ess.toRadixString(16)}, "esp":${esp.toRadixString(16)}, "ecsum":${ecsum.toRadixString(16)}, "eip":${eip.toRadixString(16)}, "ecs":${ecs.toRadixString(16)}, "elfarlc":${elfarlc.toRadixString(16)}, "eovno":${eovno.toRadixString(16)}, "eres":${eres.toRadixString(16)}, "eoemid":${eoemid.toRadixString(16)}, "eoeminfo":${eoeminfo.toRadixString(16)}, "eres2":${eres2.toString()}, "elfanew":${elfanew.toString()}}';
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
import 'dart:typed_data';
import './reader_seeker.dart';
class ImageNtHeaders32 {
int signature = 0;
late ImageFileHeader fileHeader;
late ImageOptionalHeader32 optionalHeader;
ImageNtHeaders32(ReaderSeeker readerSeeker){
var buffer = readerSeeker.getData(24);
signature = buffer.getUint32(0,Endian.little);
fileHeader = ImageFileHeader(buffer);
optionalHeader = ImageOptionalHeader32(readerSeeker);
String toString(){
return '{"signature":${signature.toRadixString(16)}, "fileHeader":${fileHeader.toString()}, "optionalHeader":${optionalHeader.toString()}}';
class ImageFileHeader {
int machine = 0;
int numberOfSections = 0;
int timeDateStamp = 0;
int pointerToSymbolTable = 0;
int numberOfSymbols = 0;
int sizeOfOptionalHeader = 0;
int characteristics = 0;
ImageFileHeader(ByteData buffer){
machine = buffer.getUint16(4,Endian.little);
numberOfSections = buffer.getUint16(6,Endian.little);
timeDateStamp = buffer.getUint32(8,Endian.little);
pointerToSymbolTable = buffer.getUint32(12,Endian.little);
numberOfSymbols = buffer.getUint32(16,Endian.little);
sizeOfOptionalHeader = buffer.getUint16(20,Endian.little);
characteristics = buffer.getUint16(22,Endian.little);
String toString(){
return '{"machine":${machine.toRadixString(16)}, "numberOfSections":${numberOfSections.toRadixString(16)}, "timeDateStamp":${timeDateStamp.toRadixString(16)}, "pointerToSymbolTable":${pointerToSymbolTable.toRadixString(16)}, "numberOfSymbols":${numberOfSymbols.toRadixString(16)}, "sizeOfOptionalHeader":${sizeOfOptionalHeader.toRadixString(16)}, "characteristics":${characteristics.toRadixString(16)}}';
class ImageOptionalHeader32 {
int magic = 0;
int majorLinkerVersion = 0;
int minorLinkerVersion = 0;
int sizeOfCode = 0;
int sizeOfInitializedData = 0;
int sizeOfUninitializedData = 0;
int addressOfEntryPoint = 0;
int baseOfCode = 0;
int baseOfData = 0;
int imageBase = 0;
int sectionAlignment = 0;
int fileAlignment = 0;
int majorOperatingSystemVersion = 0;
int minorOperatingSystemVersion = 0;
int majorImageVersion = 0;
int minorImageVersion = 0;
int majorSubsystemVersion = 0;
int minorSubsystemVersion = 0;
int win32VersionValue = 0;
int sizeOfImage = 0;
int sizeOfHeaders = 0;
int checkSum = 0;
int subsystem = 0;
int dllCharacteristics = 0;
int sizeOfStackReserve = 0;
int sizeOfStackCommit = 0;
int sizeOfHeapReserve = 0;
int sizeOfHeapCommit = 0;
int loaderFlags = 0;
int numberOfRvaAndSizes = 0;
late List<ImageDataDirectory> dataDirectory;
bool is32 = false;
void _parse32(ByteData buffer){
is32 = true;
majorLinkerVersion = buffer.getUint8(0);
minorLinkerVersion = buffer.getUint8(1);
sizeOfCode = buffer.getUint32(2,Endian.little);
sizeOfInitializedData = buffer.getUint32(6,Endian.little);
sizeOfUninitializedData = buffer.getUint32(10,Endian.little);
addressOfEntryPoint = buffer.getUint32(14,Endian.little);
baseOfCode = buffer.getUint32(18,Endian.little);
baseOfData = buffer.getUint32(22,Endian.little);
imageBase = buffer.getUint32(26,Endian.little);
sectionAlignment = buffer.getUint32(30,Endian.little);
fileAlignment = buffer.getUint32(34,Endian.little);
majorOperatingSystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(38,Endian.little);
minorOperatingSystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(40,Endian.little);
majorImageVersion = buffer.getUint16(42,Endian.little);
minorImageVersion = buffer.getUint16(44,Endian.little);
majorSubsystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(46,Endian.little);
minorSubsystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(48,Endian.little);
win32VersionValue = buffer.getUint32(50,Endian.little);
sizeOfImage = buffer.getUint32(54,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeaders = buffer.getUint32(58,Endian.little);
checkSum = buffer.getUint32(62,Endian.little);
subsystem = buffer.getUint16(66,Endian.little);
dllCharacteristics = buffer.getUint16(68,Endian.little);
sizeOfStackReserve = buffer.getUint32(70,Endian.little);
sizeOfStackCommit = buffer.getUint32(74,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeapReserve = buffer.getUint32(78,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeapCommit = buffer.getUint32(82,Endian.little);
loaderFlags = buffer.getUint32(86,Endian.little);
numberOfRvaAndSizes = buffer.getUint32(90,Endian.little);
int n = 0;
dataDirectory = List<ImageDataDirectory>.empty(growable: true);
for (int i = 0 ;i < 16;i++){
var data = ImageDataDirectory();
data.virtualAddress = buffer.getUint32(94 + n,Endian.little);
data.size = buffer.getUint32(98 + n,Endian.little);
n += 8;
void _parse64(ByteData buffer){
is32 = false;
majorLinkerVersion = buffer.getUint8(0);
minorLinkerVersion = buffer.getUint8(1);
sizeOfCode = buffer.getUint32(2,Endian.little);
sizeOfInitializedData = buffer.getUint32(6,Endian.little);
sizeOfUninitializedData = buffer.getUint32(10,Endian.little);
addressOfEntryPoint = buffer.getUint32(14,Endian.little);
baseOfCode = buffer.getUint32(18,Endian.little);
imageBase = buffer.getUint64(22,Endian.little);
sectionAlignment = buffer.getUint32(30,Endian.little);
fileAlignment = buffer.getUint32(34,Endian.little);
majorOperatingSystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(36,Endian.little);
minorOperatingSystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(38,Endian.little);
majorImageVersion = buffer.getUint16(40,Endian.little);
minorImageVersion = buffer.getUint16(42,Endian.little);
majorSubsystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(44,Endian.little);
minorSubsystemVersion = buffer.getUint16(46,Endian.little);
win32VersionValue = buffer.getUint32(48,Endian.little);
sizeOfImage = buffer.getUint32(52,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeaders = buffer.getUint32(56,Endian.little);
checkSum = buffer.getUint32(60,Endian.little);
subsystem = buffer.getUint16(64,Endian.little);
dllCharacteristics = buffer.getUint16(66,Endian.little);
sizeOfStackReserve = buffer.getUint64(68,Endian.little);
sizeOfStackCommit = buffer.getUint64(76,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeapReserve = buffer.getUint64(84,Endian.little);
sizeOfHeapCommit = buffer.getUint64(90,Endian.little);
loaderFlags = buffer.getUint32(98,Endian.little);
numberOfRvaAndSizes = buffer.getUint32(102,Endian.little);
int n = 0;
dataDirectory = List<ImageDataDirectory>.empty(growable: true);
for (int i = 0 ;i < 16;i++){
var data = ImageDataDirectory();
data.virtualAddress = buffer.getUint32(106 + n,Endian.little);
data.size = buffer.getUint32(110 + n,Endian.little);
n += 8;
ImageOptionalHeader32(ReaderSeeker readerSeeker){
var buffer = readerSeeker.getData(2);
magic = buffer.getUint16(0,Endian.little);
if (magic == 267) {
} else if (magic == 523) {
String toString(){
return '{"magic":"${magic},"loaderFlags":"${loaderFlags.toString()}"}';
class ImageDataDirectory {
int virtualAddress = 0;
int size = 0;
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import './reader_seeker.dart';
class ImageSectionHeader {
List<int> _name = List.filled(8, 0);
String name = "";
int misc = 0;
int virtualAddress = 0;
int sizeOfRawData = 0;
int pointerToRawData = 0;
int pointerToRelocations = 0;
int pointerToLinenumbers = 0;
int numberOfRelocations = 0;
int numberOfLinenumbers = 0;
int characteristics = 0;
ImageSectionHeader(ReaderSeeker readerSeeker){
_name = readerSeeker.getByte(8);
name = utf8.decode(_name,allowMalformed: true);
var data = readerSeeker.getData(32);
misc = data.getUint32(0,Endian.little);
virtualAddress = data.getUint32(4,Endian.little);
sizeOfRawData = data.getUint32(8,Endian.little);
pointerToRawData = data.getUint32(12,Endian.little);
pointerToRelocations = data.getUint32(16,Endian.little);
pointerToLinenumbers = data.getUint32(20,Endian.little);
numberOfRelocations = data.getUint16(24,Endian.little);
numberOfLinenumbers = data.getUint16(26,Endian.little);
characteristics = data.getUint32(28,Endian.little);
String toString(){
return '{"name":"${name}", "_name": "${_name}", "misc":${misc.toRadixString(16)}, "virtualAddress":${virtualAddress.toRadixString(16)}, "sizeOfRawData":${sizeOfRawData.toRadixString(16)}, "pointerToRawData":${pointerToRawData.toRadixString(16)}, "pointerToRelocations":${pointerToRelocations.toRadixString(16)}, "pointerToLinenumbers":${pointerToLinenumbers.toRadixString(16)}, "numberOfRelocations":${numberOfRelocations.toRadixString(16)}, "numberOfLinenumbers":${numberOfLinenumbers.toRadixString(16)}, "characteristics":${characteristics.toRadixString(16)}}';
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import 'dart:typed_data';
class ReaderSeeker {
int position = 0;
int length = 0;
late Uint8List data;
ReaderSeeker(Uint8List data) {
| = data;
this.length = data.length;
ByteData getData(int len ){
var buffer = ByteData.sublistView(data,position,position+len);
position += len;
return buffer;
List<int> getByte(int len){
var result = data.getRange(position, position+len).toList();
position += len;
return result;
void seek(int seek){
position = seek;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name: peparse
description: A starting point for Dart libraries or applications.
version: 1.0.0
# repository:
sdk: ^3.0.5
# Add regular dependencies here.
# path: ^1.8.0
lints: ^2.0.0
test: ^1.21.0
Reference in New Issue