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import * as core from '@actions/core';
import {Context} from '@actions/github/lib/context';
import {Util} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/util';
import {Git} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/git';
import {GitHub} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/github';
2020-10-25 01:25:23 +00:00
export interface Inputs {
context: ContextSource;
2020-10-25 01:25:23 +00:00
images: string[];
tags: string[];
flavor: string[];
labels: string[];
2020-10-25 01:25:23 +00:00
sepTags: string;
sepLabels: string;
bakeTarget: string;
2020-10-25 01:25:23 +00:00
githubToken: string;
export function getInputs(): Inputs {
return {
context: (core.getInput('context') || ContextSource.workflow) as ContextSource,
images: Util.getInputList('images', {ignoreComma: true, comment: '#'}),
tags: Util.getInputList('tags', {ignoreComma: true, comment: '#'}),
flavor: Util.getInputList('flavor', {ignoreComma: true, comment: '#'}),
labels: Util.getInputList('labels', {ignoreComma: true, comment: '#'}),
sepTags: core.getInput('sep-tags', {trimWhitespace: false}) || `\n`,
sepLabels: core.getInput('sep-labels', {trimWhitespace: false}) || `\n`,
bakeTarget: core.getInput('bake-target') || `docker-metadata-action`,
2020-10-25 01:25:23 +00:00
githubToken: core.getInput('github-token')
export enum ContextSource {
workflow = 'workflow',
git = 'git'
export async function getContext(source: ContextSource): Promise<Context> {
switch (source) {
case ContextSource.workflow:
return getContextFromWorkflow();
case ContextSource.git:
return await getContextFromGit();
throw new Error(`Invalid context source: ${source}`);
function getContextFromWorkflow(): Context {
const context = GitHub.context;
// Needs to override Git reference with pr ref instead of upstream branch ref
// for pull_request_target event
if (/pull_request_target/.test(context.eventName)) {
context.ref = `refs/pull/${context.payload.number}/merge`;
// DOCKER_METADATA_PR_HEAD_SHA env var can be used to set associated head
// SHA instead of commit SHA that triggered the workflow on pull request
// event.
if (/true/i.test(process.env.DOCKER_METADATA_PR_HEAD_SHA || '')) {
if ((/pull_request/.test(context.eventName) || /pull_request_target/.test(context.eventName)) && context.payload?.pull_request?.head?.sha != undefined) {
context.sha = context.payload.pull_request.head.sha;
return context;
async function getContextFromGit(): Promise<Context> {
return await Git.context();