2020-01-23 10:14:07 +00:00
"use strict" ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const url = require ( "url" ) ;
const http = require ( "http" ) ;
const https = require ( "https" ) ;
const pm = require ( "./proxy" ) ;
let tunnel ;
var HttpCodes ;
( function ( HttpCodes ) {
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "OK" ] = 200 ] = "OK" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "MultipleChoices" ] = 300 ] = "MultipleChoices" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "MovedPermanently" ] = 301 ] = "MovedPermanently" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "ResourceMoved" ] = 302 ] = "ResourceMoved" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "SeeOther" ] = 303 ] = "SeeOther" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "NotModified" ] = 304 ] = "NotModified" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "UseProxy" ] = 305 ] = "UseProxy" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "SwitchProxy" ] = 306 ] = "SwitchProxy" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "TemporaryRedirect" ] = 307 ] = "TemporaryRedirect" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "PermanentRedirect" ] = 308 ] = "PermanentRedirect" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "BadRequest" ] = 400 ] = "BadRequest" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "Unauthorized" ] = 401 ] = "Unauthorized" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "PaymentRequired" ] = 402 ] = "PaymentRequired" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "Forbidden" ] = 403 ] = "Forbidden" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "NotFound" ] = 404 ] = "NotFound" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "MethodNotAllowed" ] = 405 ] = "MethodNotAllowed" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "NotAcceptable" ] = 406 ] = "NotAcceptable" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "ProxyAuthenticationRequired" ] = 407 ] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "RequestTimeout" ] = 408 ] = "RequestTimeout" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "Conflict" ] = 409 ] = "Conflict" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "Gone" ] = 410 ] = "Gone" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "InternalServerError" ] = 500 ] = "InternalServerError" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "NotImplemented" ] = 501 ] = "NotImplemented" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "BadGateway" ] = 502 ] = "BadGateway" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "ServiceUnavailable" ] = 503 ] = "ServiceUnavailable" ;
HttpCodes [ HttpCodes [ "GatewayTimeout" ] = 504 ] = "GatewayTimeout" ;
} ) ( HttpCodes = exports . HttpCodes || ( exports . HttpCodes = { } ) ) ;
2020-01-24 11:01:57 +00:00
/ * *
* Returns the proxy URL , depending upon the supplied url and proxy environment variables .
* @ param serverUrl The server URL where the request will be sent . For example , https : //api.github.com
* /
function getProxyUrl ( serverUrl ) {
let proxyUrl = pm . getProxyUrl ( url . parse ( serverUrl ) ) ;
return proxyUrl ? proxyUrl . href : '' ;
exports . getProxyUrl = getProxyUrl ;
2020-01-23 10:14:07 +00:00
const HttpRedirectCodes = [ HttpCodes . MovedPermanently , HttpCodes . ResourceMoved , HttpCodes . SeeOther , HttpCodes . TemporaryRedirect , HttpCodes . PermanentRedirect ] ;
const HttpResponseRetryCodes = [ HttpCodes . BadGateway , HttpCodes . ServiceUnavailable , HttpCodes . GatewayTimeout ] ;
const RetryableHttpVerbs = [ 'OPTIONS' , 'GET' , 'DELETE' , 'HEAD' ] ;
const ExponentialBackoffCeiling = 10 ;
const ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice = 5 ;
class HttpClientResponse {
constructor ( message ) {
this . message = message ;
readBody ( ) {
return new Promise ( async ( resolve , reject ) => {
let output = Buffer . alloc ( 0 ) ;
this . message . on ( 'data' , ( chunk ) => {
output = Buffer . concat ( [ output , chunk ] ) ;
} ) ;
this . message . on ( 'end' , ( ) => {
resolve ( output . toString ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
exports . HttpClientResponse = HttpClientResponse ;
function isHttps ( requestUrl ) {
let parsedUrl = url . parse ( requestUrl ) ;
return parsedUrl . protocol === 'https:' ;
exports . isHttps = isHttps ;
class HttpClient {
constructor ( userAgent , handlers , requestOptions ) {
this . _ignoreSslError = false ;
this . _allowRedirects = true ;
this . _allowRedirectDowngrade = false ;
this . _maxRedirects = 50 ;
this . _allowRetries = false ;
this . _maxRetries = 1 ;
this . _keepAlive = false ;
this . _disposed = false ;
this . userAgent = userAgent ;
this . handlers = handlers || [ ] ;
this . requestOptions = requestOptions ;
if ( requestOptions ) {
if ( requestOptions . ignoreSslError != null ) {
this . _ignoreSslError = requestOptions . ignoreSslError ;
this . _socketTimeout = requestOptions . socketTimeout ;
if ( requestOptions . allowRedirects != null ) {
this . _allowRedirects = requestOptions . allowRedirects ;
if ( requestOptions . allowRedirectDowngrade != null ) {
this . _allowRedirectDowngrade = requestOptions . allowRedirectDowngrade ;
if ( requestOptions . maxRedirects != null ) {
this . _maxRedirects = Math . max ( requestOptions . maxRedirects , 0 ) ;
if ( requestOptions . keepAlive != null ) {
this . _keepAlive = requestOptions . keepAlive ;
if ( requestOptions . allowRetries != null ) {
this . _allowRetries = requestOptions . allowRetries ;
if ( requestOptions . maxRetries != null ) {
this . _maxRetries = requestOptions . maxRetries ;
options ( requestUrl , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'OPTIONS' , requestUrl , null , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
get ( requestUrl , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'GET' , requestUrl , null , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
del ( requestUrl , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'DELETE' , requestUrl , null , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
post ( requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'POST' , requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
patch ( requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'PATCH' , requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
put ( requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'PUT' , requestUrl , data , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
head ( requestUrl , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( 'HEAD' , requestUrl , null , additionalHeaders || { } ) ;
sendStream ( verb , requestUrl , stream , additionalHeaders ) {
return this . request ( verb , requestUrl , stream , additionalHeaders ) ;
/ * *
* Makes a raw http request .
* All other methods such as get , post , patch , and request ultimately call this .
* Prefer get , del , post and patch
* /
async request ( verb , requestUrl , data , headers ) {
if ( this . _disposed ) {
throw new Error ( "Client has already been disposed." ) ;
let parsedUrl = url . parse ( requestUrl ) ;
let info = this . _prepareRequest ( verb , parsedUrl , headers ) ;
// Only perform retries on reads since writes may not be idempotent.
let maxTries = ( this . _allowRetries && RetryableHttpVerbs . indexOf ( verb ) != - 1 ) ? this . _maxRetries + 1 : 1 ;
let numTries = 0 ;
let response ;
while ( numTries < maxTries ) {
response = await this . requestRaw ( info , data ) ;
// Check if it's an authentication challenge
if ( response && response . message && response . message . statusCode === HttpCodes . Unauthorized ) {
let authenticationHandler ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . handlers . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( this . handlers [ i ] . canHandleAuthentication ( response ) ) {
authenticationHandler = this . handlers [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( authenticationHandler ) {
return authenticationHandler . handleAuthentication ( this , info , data ) ;
else {
// We have received an unauthorized response but have no handlers to handle it.
// Let the response return to the caller.
return response ;
let redirectsRemaining = this . _maxRedirects ;
while ( HttpRedirectCodes . indexOf ( response . message . statusCode ) != - 1
&& this . _allowRedirects
&& redirectsRemaining > 0 ) {
const redirectUrl = response . message . headers [ "location" ] ;
if ( ! redirectUrl ) {
// if there's no location to redirect to, we won't
break ;
let parsedRedirectUrl = url . parse ( redirectUrl ) ;
if ( parsedUrl . protocol == 'https:' && parsedUrl . protocol != parsedRedirectUrl . protocol && ! this . _allowRedirectDowngrade ) {
throw new Error ( "Redirect from HTTPS to HTTP protocol. This downgrade is not allowed for security reasons. If you want to allow this behavior, set the allowRedirectDowngrade option to true." ) ;
// we need to finish reading the response before reassigning response
// which will leak the open socket.
await response . readBody ( ) ;
// let's make the request with the new redirectUrl
info = this . _prepareRequest ( verb , parsedRedirectUrl , headers ) ;
response = await this . requestRaw ( info , data ) ;
redirectsRemaining -- ;
if ( HttpResponseRetryCodes . indexOf ( response . message . statusCode ) == - 1 ) {
// If not a retry code, return immediately instead of retrying
return response ;
numTries += 1 ;
if ( numTries < maxTries ) {
await response . readBody ( ) ;
await this . _performExponentialBackoff ( numTries ) ;
return response ;
/ * *
* Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options .
* /
dispose ( ) {
if ( this . _agent ) {
this . _agent . destroy ( ) ;
this . _disposed = true ;
/ * *
* Raw request .
* @ param info
* @ param data
* /
requestRaw ( info , data ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
let callbackForResult = function ( err , res ) {
if ( err ) {
reject ( err ) ;
resolve ( res ) ;
} ;
this . requestRawWithCallback ( info , data , callbackForResult ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Raw request with callback .
* @ param info
* @ param data
* @ param onResult
* /
requestRawWithCallback ( info , data , onResult ) {
let socket ;
if ( typeof ( data ) === 'string' ) {
info . options . headers [ "Content-Length" ] = Buffer . byteLength ( data , 'utf8' ) ;
let callbackCalled = false ;
let handleResult = ( err , res ) => {
if ( ! callbackCalled ) {
callbackCalled = true ;
onResult ( err , res ) ;
} ;
let req = info . httpModule . request ( info . options , ( msg ) => {
let res = new HttpClientResponse ( msg ) ;
handleResult ( null , res ) ;
} ) ;
req . on ( 'socket' , ( sock ) => {
socket = sock ;
} ) ;
// If we ever get disconnected, we want the socket to timeout eventually
req . setTimeout ( this . _socketTimeout || 3 * 60000 , ( ) => {
if ( socket ) {
socket . end ( ) ;
handleResult ( new Error ( 'Request timeout: ' + info . options . path ) , null ) ;
} ) ;
req . on ( 'error' , function ( err ) {
// err has statusCode property
// res should have headers
handleResult ( err , null ) ;
} ) ;
if ( data && typeof ( data ) === 'string' ) {
req . write ( data , 'utf8' ) ;
if ( data && typeof ( data ) !== 'string' ) {
data . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
req . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
data . pipe ( req ) ;
else {
req . end ( ) ;
2020-01-24 11:01:57 +00:00
/ * *
* Gets an http agent . This function is useful when you need an http agent that handles
* routing through a proxy server - depending upon the url and proxy environment variables .
* @ param serverUrl The server URL where the request will be sent . For example , https : //api.github.com
* /
getAgent ( serverUrl ) {
let parsedUrl = url . parse ( serverUrl ) ;
return this . _getAgent ( parsedUrl ) ;
2020-01-23 10:14:07 +00:00
_prepareRequest ( method , requestUrl , headers ) {
const info = { } ;
info . parsedUrl = requestUrl ;
const usingSsl = info . parsedUrl . protocol === 'https:' ;
info . httpModule = usingSsl ? https : http ;
const defaultPort = usingSsl ? 443 : 80 ;
info . options = { } ;
info . options . host = info . parsedUrl . hostname ;
info . options . port = info . parsedUrl . port ? parseInt ( info . parsedUrl . port ) : defaultPort ;
info . options . path = ( info . parsedUrl . pathname || '' ) + ( info . parsedUrl . search || '' ) ;
info . options . method = method ;
info . options . headers = this . _mergeHeaders ( headers ) ;
if ( this . userAgent != null ) {
info . options . headers [ "user-agent" ] = this . userAgent ;
info . options . agent = this . _getAgent ( info . parsedUrl ) ;
// gives handlers an opportunity to participate
if ( this . handlers ) {
this . handlers . forEach ( ( handler ) => {
handler . prepareRequest ( info . options ) ;
} ) ;
return info ;
_mergeHeaders ( headers ) {
const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object . keys ( obj ) . reduce ( ( c , k ) => ( c [ k . toLowerCase ( ) ] = obj [ k ] , c ) , { } ) ;
if ( this . requestOptions && this . requestOptions . headers ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , lowercaseKeys ( this . requestOptions . headers ) , lowercaseKeys ( headers ) ) ;
return lowercaseKeys ( headers || { } ) ;
_getAgent ( parsedUrl ) {
let agent ;
let proxyUrl = pm . getProxyUrl ( parsedUrl ) ;
let useProxy = proxyUrl && proxyUrl . hostname ;
if ( this . _keepAlive && useProxy ) {
agent = this . _proxyAgent ;
if ( this . _keepAlive && ! useProxy ) {
agent = this . _agent ;
// if agent is already assigned use that agent.
if ( ! ! agent ) {
return agent ;
const usingSsl = parsedUrl . protocol === 'https:' ;
let maxSockets = 100 ;
if ( ! ! this . requestOptions ) {
maxSockets = this . requestOptions . maxSockets || http . globalAgent . maxSockets ;
if ( useProxy ) {
// If using proxy, need tunnel
if ( ! tunnel ) {
tunnel = require ( 'tunnel' ) ;
const agentOptions = {
maxSockets : maxSockets ,
keepAlive : this . _keepAlive ,
proxy : {
proxyAuth : proxyUrl . auth ,
host : proxyUrl . hostname ,
port : proxyUrl . port
} ,
} ;
let tunnelAgent ;
const overHttps = proxyUrl . protocol === 'https:' ;
if ( usingSsl ) {
tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel . httpsOverHttps : tunnel . httpsOverHttp ;
else {
tunnelAgent = overHttps ? tunnel . httpOverHttps : tunnel . httpOverHttp ;
agent = tunnelAgent ( agentOptions ) ;
this . _proxyAgent = agent ;
// if reusing agent across request and tunneling agent isn't assigned create a new agent
if ( this . _keepAlive && ! agent ) {
const options = { keepAlive : this . _keepAlive , maxSockets : maxSockets } ;
agent = usingSsl ? new https . Agent ( options ) : new http . Agent ( options ) ;
this . _agent = agent ;
// if not using private agent and tunnel agent isn't setup then use global agent
if ( ! agent ) {
agent = usingSsl ? https . globalAgent : http . globalAgent ;
if ( usingSsl && this . _ignoreSslError ) {
// we don't want to set NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 since that will affect request for entire process
// http.RequestOptions doesn't expose a way to modify RequestOptions.agent.options
// we have to cast it to any and change it directly
agent . options = Object . assign ( agent . options || { } , { rejectUnauthorized : false } ) ;
return agent ;
_performExponentialBackoff ( retryNumber ) {
retryNumber = Math . min ( ExponentialBackoffCeiling , retryNumber ) ;
const ms = ExponentialBackoffTimeSlice * Math . pow ( 2 , retryNumber ) ;
return new Promise ( resolve => setTimeout ( ( ) => resolve ( ) , ms ) ) ;
exports . HttpClient = HttpClient ;