2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
module . exports =
/******/ ( function ( modules , runtime ) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ "use strict" ;
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = { } ;
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function _ _webpack _require _ _ ( moduleId ) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if ( installedModules [ moduleId ] ) {
/******/ return installedModules [ moduleId ] . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules [ moduleId ] = {
/******/ i : moduleId ,
/******/ l : false ,
/******/ exports : { }
/******/ } ;
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ var threw = true ;
/******/ try {
/******/ modules [ moduleId ] . call ( module . exports , module , module . exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) ;
/******/ threw = false ;
/******/ } finally {
/******/ if ( threw ) delete installedModules [ moduleId ] ;
/******/ }
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module . l = true ;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . ab = _ _dirname + "/" ;
/******/ // the startup function
/******/ function startup ( ) {
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
/******/ return _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 109 ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
/******/ } ;
/******/ // run startup
/******/ return startup ( ) ;
/******/ } )
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
/******/ ( {
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
/***/ 87 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "os" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 109 :
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
var _ _createBinding = ( this && this . _ _createBinding ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
Object . defineProperty ( o , k2 , { enumerable : true , get : function ( ) { return m [ k ] ; } } ) ;
} ) : ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
o [ k2 ] = m [ k ] ;
} ) ) ;
var _ _setModuleDefault = ( this && this . _ _setModuleDefault ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , v ) {
Object . defineProperty ( o , "default" , { enumerable : true , value : v } ) ;
} ) : function ( o , v ) {
o [ "default" ] = v ;
} ) ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( k !== "default" && Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) _ _createBinding ( result , mod , k ) ;
_ _setModuleDefault ( result , mod ) ;
return result ;
} ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
const os = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 87 ) ) ;
const buildx = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 295 ) ) ;
const context _1 = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 842 ) ;
const core = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 186 ) ) ;
const exec = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 514 ) ) ;
function run ( ) {
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
try {
if ( os . platform ( ) !== 'linux' ) {
core . setFailed ( 'Only supported on linux platform' ) ;
return ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
if ( ! ( yield buildx . isAvailable ( ) ) ) {
core . setFailed ( ` Buildx is required. See https://github.com/docker/setup-buildx-action to set up buildx. ` ) ;
return ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
let inputs = yield context _1 . getInputs ( ) ;
if ( inputs . builder ) {
core . info ( ` 📌 Using builder instance ${ inputs . builder } ` ) ;
yield buildx . use ( inputs . builder ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
core . info ( ` 🏃 Starting build... ` ) ;
const args = yield context _1 . getArgs ( inputs ) ;
yield exec . exec ( 'docker' , args ) ;
const imageID = yield buildx . getImageID ( ) ;
if ( imageID ) {
core . info ( '🛒 Extracting digest...' ) ;
core . info ( ` ${ imageID } ` ) ;
core . setOutput ( 'digest' , imageID ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
catch ( error ) {
core . setFailed ( error . message ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
} ) ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
run ( ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=main.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 129 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "child_process" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 159 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , r eject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) result [ k ] = mod [ k ] ;
result [ "default" ] = mod ;
return result ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const os = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 87 ) ) ;
const events = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 614 ) ) ;
const child = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 129 ) ) ;
const path = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ) ;
const io = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 436 ) ) ;
const ioUtil = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 962 ) ) ;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
const IS _WINDOWS = process . platform === 'win32' ;
/ *
* Class for running command line tools . Handles quoting and arg parsing in a platform agnostic way .
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
* /
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
class ToolRunner extends events . EventEmitter {
constructor ( toolPath , args , options ) {
super ( ) ;
if ( ! toolPath ) {
throw new Error ( "Parameter 'toolPath' cannot be null or empty." ) ;
this . toolPath = toolPath ;
this . args = args || [ ] ;
this . options = options || { } ;
_debug ( message ) {
if ( this . options . listeners && this . options . listeners . debug ) {
this . options . listeners . debug ( message ) ;
_getCommandString ( options , noPrefix ) {
const toolPath = this . _getSpawnFileName ( ) ;
const args = this . _getSpawnArgs ( options ) ;
let cmd = noPrefix ? '' : '[command]' ; // omit prefix when piped to a second tool
if ( IS _WINDOWS ) {
// Windows + cmd file
if ( this . _isCmdFile ( ) ) {
cmd += toolPath ;
for ( const a of args ) {
cmd += ` ${ a } ` ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
// Windows + verbatim
else if ( options . windowsVerbatimArguments ) {
cmd += ` " ${ toolPath } " ` ;
for ( const a of args ) {
cmd += ` ${ a } ` ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
// Windows (regular)
else {
cmd += this . _windowsQuoteCmdArg ( toolPath ) ;
for ( const a of args ) {
cmd += ` ${ this . _windowsQuoteCmdArg ( a ) } ` ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
else {
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
// OSX/Linux - this can likely be improved with some form of quoting.
// creating processes on Unix is fundamentally different than Windows.
// on Unix, execvp() takes an arg array.
cmd += toolPath ;
for ( const a of args ) {
cmd += ` ${ a } ` ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
return cmd ;
_processLineBuffer ( data , strBuffer , onLine ) {
try {
let s = strBuffer + data . toString ( ) ;
let n = s . indexOf ( os . EOL ) ;
while ( n > - 1 ) {
const line = s . substring ( 0 , n ) ;
onLine ( line ) ;
// the rest of the string ...
s = s . substring ( n + os . EOL . length ) ;
n = s . indexOf ( os . EOL ) ;
strBuffer = s ;
catch ( err ) {
// streaming lines to console is best effort. Don't fail a build.
this . _debug ( ` error processing line. Failed with error ${ err } ` ) ;
_getSpawnFileName ( ) {
if ( IS _WINDOWS ) {
if ( this . _isCmdFile ( ) ) {
return process . env [ 'COMSPEC' ] || 'cmd.exe' ;
return this . toolPath ;
_getSpawnArgs ( options ) {
if ( IS _WINDOWS ) {
if ( this . _isCmdFile ( ) ) {
let argline = ` /D /S /C " ${ this . _windowsQuoteCmdArg ( this . toolPath ) } ` ;
for ( const a of this . args ) {
argline += ' ' ;
argline += options . windowsVerbatimArguments
? a
: this . _windowsQuoteCmdArg ( a ) ;
argline += '"' ;
return [ argline ] ;
return this . args ;
_endsWith ( str , end ) {
return str . endsWith ( end ) ;
_isCmdFile ( ) {
const upperToolPath = this . toolPath . toUpperCase ( ) ;
return ( this . _endsWith ( upperToolPath , '.CMD' ) ||
this . _endsWith ( upperToolPath , '.BAT' ) ) ;
_windowsQuoteCmdArg ( arg ) {
// for .exe, apply the normal quoting rules that libuv applies
if ( ! this . _isCmdFile ( ) ) {
return this . _uvQuoteCmdArg ( arg ) ;
// otherwise apply quoting rules specific to the cmd.exe command line parser.
// the libuv rules are generic and are not designed specifically for cmd.exe
// command line parser.
// for a detailed description of the cmd.exe command line parser, refer to
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4094699/how-does-the-windows-command-interpreter-cmd-exe-parse-scripts/7970912#7970912
// need quotes for empty arg
if ( ! arg ) {
return '""' ;
// determine whether the arg needs to be quoted
const cmdSpecialChars = [
' ' ,
'\t' ,
'&' ,
'(' ,
')' ,
'[' ,
']' ,
'{' ,
'}' ,
'^' ,
'=' ,
';' ,
'!' ,
"'" ,
'+' ,
',' ,
'`' ,
'~' ,
'|' ,
'<' ,
'>' ,
] ;
let needsQuotes = false ;
for ( const char of arg ) {
if ( cmdSpecialChars . some ( x => x === char ) ) {
needsQuotes = true ;
break ;
// short-circuit if quotes not needed
if ( ! needsQuotes ) {
return arg ;
// the following quoting rules are very similar to the rules that by libuv applies.
// 1) wrap the string in quotes
// 2) double-up quotes - i.e. " => ""
// this is different from the libuv quoting rules. libuv replaces " with \", which unfortunately
// doesn't work well with a cmd.exe command line.
// note, replacing " with "" also works well if the arg is passed to a downstream .NET console app.
// for example, the command line:
// foo.exe "myarg:""my val"""
// is parsed by a .NET console app into an arg array:
// [ "myarg:\"my val\"" ]
// which is the same end result when applying libuv quoting rules. although the actual
// command line from libuv quoting rules would look like:
// foo.exe "myarg:\"my val\""
// 3) double-up slashes that precede a quote,
// e.g. hello \world => "hello \world"
// hello\"world => "hello\\""world"
// hello\\"world => "hello\\\\""world"
// hello world\ => "hello world\\"
// technically this is not required for a cmd.exe command line, or the batch argument parser.
// the reasons for including this as a .cmd quoting rule are:
// a) this is optimized for the scenario where the argument is passed from the .cmd file to an
// external program. many programs (e.g. .NET console apps) rely on the slash-doubling rule.
// b) it's what we've been doing previously (by deferring to node default behavior) and we
// haven't heard any complaints about that aspect.
// note, a weakness of the quoting rules chosen here, is that % is not escaped. in fact, % cannot be
// escaped when used on the command line directly - even though within a .cmd file % can be escaped
// by using %%.
// the saving grace is, on the command line, %var% is left as-is if var is not defined. this contrasts
// the line parsing rules within a .cmd file, where if var is not defined it is replaced with nothing.
// one option that was explored was replacing % with ^% - i.e. %var% => ^%var^%. this hack would
// often work, since it is unlikely that var^ would exist, and the ^ character is removed when the
// variable is used. the problem, however, is that ^ is not removed when %* is used to pass the args
// to an external program.
// an unexplored potential solution for the % escaping problem, is to create a wrapper .cmd file.
// % can be escaped within a .cmd file.
let reverse = '"' ;
let quoteHit = true ;
for ( let i = arg . length ; i > 0 ; i -- ) {
// walk the string in reverse
reverse += arg [ i - 1 ] ;
if ( quoteHit && arg [ i - 1 ] === '\\' ) {
reverse += '\\' ; // double the slash
else if ( arg [ i - 1 ] === '"' ) {
quoteHit = true ;
reverse += '"' ; // double the quote
else {
quoteHit = false ;
reverse += '"' ;
return reverse
. split ( '' )
. reverse ( )
. join ( '' ) ;
_uvQuoteCmdArg ( arg ) {
// Tool runner wraps child_process.spawn() and needs to apply the same quoting as
// Node in certain cases where the undocumented spawn option windowsVerbatimArguments
// is used.
// Since this function is a port of quote_cmd_arg from Node 4.x (technically, lib UV,
// see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v4.x/deps/uv/src/win/process.c for details),
// pasting copyright notice from Node within this function:
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
if ( ! arg ) {
// Need double quotation for empty argument
return '""' ;
if ( ! arg . includes ( ' ' ) && ! arg . includes ( '\t' ) && ! arg . includes ( '"' ) ) {
// No quotation needed
return arg ;
if ( ! arg . includes ( '"' ) && ! arg . includes ( '\\' ) ) {
// No embedded double quotes or backslashes, so I can just wrap
// quote marks around the whole thing.
return ` " ${ arg } " ` ;
// Expected input/output:
// input : hello"world
// output: "hello\"world"
// input : hello""world
// output: "hello\"\"world"
// input : hello\world
// output: hello\world
// input : hello\\world
// output: hello\\world
// input : hello\"world
// output: "hello\\\"world"
// input : hello\\"world
// output: "hello\\\\\"world"
// input : hello world\
// output: "hello world\\" - note the comment in libuv actually reads "hello world\"
// but it appears the comment is wrong, it should be "hello world\\"
let reverse = '"' ;
let quoteHit = true ;
for ( let i = arg . length ; i > 0 ; i -- ) {
// walk the string in reverse
reverse += arg [ i - 1 ] ;
if ( quoteHit && arg [ i - 1 ] === '\\' ) {
reverse += '\\' ;
else if ( arg [ i - 1 ] === '"' ) {
quoteHit = true ;
reverse += '\\' ;
else {
quoteHit = false ;
reverse += '"' ;
return reverse
. split ( '' )
. reverse ( )
. join ( '' ) ;
_cloneExecOptions ( options ) {
options = options || { } ;
const result = {
cwd : options . cwd || process . cwd ( ) ,
env : options . env || process . env ,
silent : options . silent || false ,
windowsVerbatimArguments : options . windowsVerbatimArguments || false ,
failOnStdErr : options . failOnStdErr || false ,
ignoreReturnCode : options . ignoreReturnCode || false ,
delay : options . delay || 10000
} ;
result . outStream = options . outStream || process . stdout ;
result . errStream = options . errStream || process . stderr ;
return result ;
_getSpawnOptions ( options , toolPath ) {
options = options || { } ;
const result = { } ;
result . cwd = options . cwd ;
result . env = options . env ;
result [ 'windowsVerbatimArguments' ] =
options . windowsVerbatimArguments || this . _isCmdFile ( ) ;
if ( options . windowsVerbatimArguments ) {
result . argv0 = ` " ${ toolPath } " ` ;
return result ;
/ * *
* Exec a tool .
* Output will be streamed to the live console .
* Returns promise with return code
* @ param tool path to tool to exec
* @ param options optional exec options . See ExecOptions
* @ returns number
* /
exec ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
// root the tool path if it is unrooted and contains relative pathing
if ( ! ioUtil . isRooted ( this . toolPath ) &&
( this . toolPath . includes ( '/' ) ||
( IS _WINDOWS && this . toolPath . includes ( '\\' ) ) ) ) {
// prefer options.cwd if it is specified, however options.cwd may also need to be rooted
this . toolPath = path . resolve ( process . cwd ( ) , this . options . cwd || process . cwd ( ) , this . toolPath ) ;
// if the tool is only a file name, then resolve it from the PATH
// otherwise verify it exists (add extension on Windows if necessary)
this . toolPath = yield io . which ( this . toolPath , true ) ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _debug ( ` exec tool: ${ this . toolPath } ` ) ;
this . _debug ( 'arguments:' ) ;
for ( const arg of this . args ) {
this . _debug ( ` ${ arg } ` ) ;
const optionsNonNull = this . _cloneExecOptions ( this . options ) ;
if ( ! optionsNonNull . silent && optionsNonNull . outStream ) {
optionsNonNull . outStream . write ( this . _getCommandString ( optionsNonNull ) + os . EOL ) ;
const state = new ExecState ( optionsNonNull , this . toolPath ) ;
state . on ( 'debug' , ( message ) => {
this . _debug ( message ) ;
} ) ;
const fileName = this . _getSpawnFileName ( ) ;
const cp = child . spawn ( fileName , this . _getSpawnArgs ( optionsNonNull ) , this . _getSpawnOptions ( this . options , fileName ) ) ;
const stdbuffer = '' ;
if ( cp . stdout ) {
cp . stdout . on ( 'data' , ( data ) => {
if ( this . options . listeners && this . options . listeners . stdout ) {
this . options . listeners . stdout ( data ) ;
if ( ! optionsNonNull . silent && optionsNonNull . outStream ) {
optionsNonNull . outStream . write ( data ) ;
this . _processLineBuffer ( data , stdbuffer , ( line ) => {
if ( this . options . listeners && this . options . listeners . stdline ) {
this . options . listeners . stdline ( line ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const errbuffer = '' ;
if ( cp . stderr ) {
cp . stderr . on ( 'data' , ( data ) => {
state . processStderr = true ;
if ( this . options . listeners && this . options . listeners . stderr ) {
this . options . listeners . stderr ( data ) ;
if ( ! optionsNonNull . silent &&
optionsNonNull . errStream &&
optionsNonNull . outStream ) {
const s = optionsNonNull . failOnStdErr
? optionsNonNull . errStream
: optionsNonNull . outStream ;
s . write ( data ) ;
this . _processLineBuffer ( data , errbuffer , ( line ) => {
if ( this . options . listeners && this . options . listeners . errline ) {
this . options . listeners . errline ( line ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
cp . on ( 'error' , ( err ) => {
state . processError = err . message ;
state . processExited = true ;
state . processClosed = true ;
state . CheckComplete ( ) ;
} ) ;
cp . on ( 'exit' , ( code ) => {
state . processExitCode = code ;
state . processExited = true ;
this . _debug ( ` Exit code ${ code } received from tool ' ${ this . toolPath } ' ` ) ;
state . CheckComplete ( ) ;
} ) ;
cp . on ( 'close' , ( code ) => {
state . processExitCode = code ;
state . processExited = true ;
state . processClosed = true ;
this . _debug ( ` STDIO streams have closed for tool ' ${ this . toolPath } ' ` ) ;
state . CheckComplete ( ) ;
} ) ;
state . on ( 'done' , ( error , exitCode ) => {
if ( stdbuffer . length > 0 ) {
this . emit ( 'stdline' , stdbuffer ) ;
if ( errbuffer . length > 0 ) {
this . emit ( 'errline' , errbuffer ) ;
cp . removeAllListeners ( ) ;
if ( error ) {
reject ( error ) ;
else {
resolve ( exitCode ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . options . input ) {
if ( ! cp . stdin ) {
throw new Error ( 'child process missing stdin' ) ;
cp . stdin . end ( this . options . input ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
exports . ToolRunner = ToolRunner ;
/ * *
* Convert an arg string to an array of args . Handles escaping
* @ param argString string of arguments
* @ returns string [ ] array of arguments
* /
function argStringToArray ( argString ) {
const args = [ ] ;
let inQuotes = false ;
let escaped = false ;
let arg = '' ;
function append ( c ) {
// we only escape double quotes.
if ( escaped && c !== '"' ) {
arg += '\\' ;
arg += c ;
escaped = false ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < argString . length ; i ++ ) {
const c = argString . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( c === '"' ) {
if ( ! escaped ) {
inQuotes = ! inQuotes ;
else {
append ( c ) ;
continue ;
if ( c === '\\' && escaped ) {
append ( c ) ;
continue ;
if ( c === '\\' && inQuotes ) {
escaped = true ;
continue ;
if ( c === ' ' && ! inQuotes ) {
if ( arg . length > 0 ) {
args . push ( arg ) ;
arg = '' ;
continue ;
append ( c ) ;
if ( arg . length > 0 ) {
args . push ( arg . trim ( ) ) ;
return args ;
exports . argStringToArray = argStringToArray ;
class ExecState extends events . EventEmitter {
constructor ( options , toolPath ) {
super ( ) ;
this . processClosed = false ; // tracks whether the process has exited and stdio is closed
this . processError = '' ;
this . processExitCode = 0 ;
this . processExited = false ; // tracks whether the process has exited
this . processStderr = false ; // tracks whether stderr was written to
this . delay = 10000 ; // 10 seconds
this . done = false ;
this . timeout = null ;
if ( ! toolPath ) {
throw new Error ( 'toolPath must not be empty' ) ;
this . options = options ;
this . toolPath = toolPath ;
if ( options . delay ) {
this . delay = options . delay ;
CheckComplete ( ) {
if ( this . done ) {
return ;
if ( this . processClosed ) {
this . _setResult ( ) ;
else if ( this . processExited ) {
this . timeout = setTimeout ( ExecState . HandleTimeout , this . delay , this ) ;
_debug ( message ) {
this . emit ( 'debug' , message ) ;
_setResult ( ) {
// determine whether there is an error
let error ;
if ( this . processExited ) {
if ( this . processError ) {
error = new Error ( ` There was an error when attempting to execute the process ' ${ this . toolPath } '. This may indicate the process failed to start. Error: ${ this . processError } ` ) ;
else if ( this . processExitCode !== 0 && ! this . options . ignoreReturnCode ) {
error = new Error ( ` The process ' ${ this . toolPath } ' failed with exit code ${ this . processExitCode } ` ) ;
else if ( this . processStderr && this . options . failOnStdErr ) {
error = new Error ( ` The process ' ${ this . toolPath } ' failed because one or more lines were written to the STDERR stream ` ) ;
// clear the timeout
if ( this . timeout ) {
clearTimeout ( this . timeout ) ;
this . timeout = null ;
this . done = true ;
this . emit ( 'done' , error , this . processExitCode ) ;
static HandleTimeout ( state ) {
if ( state . done ) {
return ;
if ( ! state . processClosed && state . processExited ) {
const message = ` The STDIO streams did not close within ${ state . delay /
1000 } seconds of the exit event from process '${state.toolPath}' . This may indicate a child process inherited the STDIO streams and has not yet exited . ` ;
state . _debug ( message ) ;
state . _setResult ( ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=toolrunner.js.map
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
/***/ } ) ,
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
/***/ 186 :
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
"use strict" ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) result [ k ] = mod [ k ] ;
result [ "default" ] = mod ;
return result ;
} ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
const command _1 = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 351 ) ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
const os = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 87 ) ) ;
const path = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
/ * *
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* The code to exit an action
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
var ExitCode ;
( function ( ExitCode ) {
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
/ * *
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* A code indicating that the action was successful
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
ExitCode [ ExitCode [ "Success" ] = 0 ] = "Success" ;
/ * *
* A code indicating that the action was a failure
* /
ExitCode [ ExitCode [ "Failure" ] = 1 ] = "Failure" ;
} ) ( ExitCode = exports . ExitCode || ( exports . ExitCode = { } ) ) ;
// Variables
/ * *
* Sets env variable for this action and future actions in the job
* @ param name the name of the variable to set
* @ param val the value of the variable . Non - string values will be converted to a string via JSON . stringify
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function exportVariable ( name , val ) {
const convertedVal = command _1 . toCommandValue ( val ) ;
process . env [ name ] = convertedVal ;
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'set-env' , { name } , convertedVal ) ;
exports . exportVariable = exportVariable ;
/ * *
* Registers a secret which will get masked from logs
* @ param secret value of the secret
* /
function setSecret ( secret ) {
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'add-mask' , { } , secret ) ;
exports . setSecret = setSecret ;
/ * *
* Prepends inputPath to the PATH ( for this action and future actions )
* @ param inputPath
* /
function addPath ( inputPath ) {
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'add-path' , { } , inputPath ) ;
process . env [ 'PATH' ] = ` ${ inputPath } ${ path . delimiter } ${ process . env [ 'PATH' ] } ` ;
exports . addPath = addPath ;
/ * *
* Gets the value of an input . The value is also trimmed .
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* @ param name name of the input to get
* @ param options optional . See InputOptions .
* @ returns string
* /
function getInput ( name , options ) {
const val = process . env [ ` INPUT_ ${ name . replace ( / /g , '_' ) . toUpperCase ( ) } ` ] || '' ;
if ( options && options . required && ! val ) {
throw new Error ( ` Input required and not supplied: ${ name } ` ) ;
return val . trim ( ) ;
exports . getInput = getInput ;
/ * *
* Sets the value of an output .
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* @ param name name of the output to set
* @ param value value to store . Non - string values will be converted to a string via JSON . stringify
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function setOutput ( name , value ) {
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'set-output' , { name } , value ) ;
exports . setOutput = setOutput ;
/ * *
* Enables or disables the echoing of commands into stdout for the rest of the step .
* Echoing is disabled by default if ACTIONS _STEP _DEBUG is not set .
2020-08-17 16:26:35 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* /
function setCommandEcho ( enabled ) {
command _1 . issue ( 'echo' , enabled ? 'on' : 'off' ) ;
exports . setCommandEcho = setCommandEcho ;
// Results
/ * *
* Sets the action status to failed .
* When the action exits it will be with an exit code of 1
* @ param message add error issue message
* /
function setFailed ( message ) {
process . exitCode = ExitCode . Failure ;
error ( message ) ;
exports . setFailed = setFailed ;
// Logging Commands
/ * *
* Gets whether Actions Step Debug is on or not
* /
function isDebug ( ) {
return process . env [ 'RUNNER_DEBUG' ] === '1' ;
exports . isDebug = isDebug ;
/ * *
* Writes debug message to user log
* @ param message debug message
* /
function debug ( message ) {
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'debug' , { } , message ) ;
exports . debug = debug ;
/ * *
* Adds an error issue
* @ param message error issue message . Errors will be converted to string via toString ( )
* /
function error ( message ) {
command _1 . issue ( 'error' , message instanceof Error ? message . toString ( ) : message ) ;
exports . error = error ;
/ * *
* Adds an warning issue
* @ param message warning issue message . Errors will be converted to string via toString ( )
* /
function warning ( message ) {
command _1 . issue ( 'warning' , message instanceof Error ? message . toString ( ) : message ) ;
exports . warning = warning ;
/ * *
* Writes info to log with console . log .
* @ param message info message
* /
function info ( message ) {
process . stdout . write ( message + os . EOL ) ;
exports . info = info ;
/ * *
* Begin an output group .
2020-08-17 16:26:35 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* Output until the next ` groupEnd ` will be foldable in this group
2020-08-17 16:26:35 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* @ param name The name of the output group
2020-08-17 16:26:35 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
function startGroup ( name ) {
command _1 . issue ( 'group' , name ) ;
2020-08-17 16:26:35 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
exports . startGroup = startGroup ;
/ * *
* End an output group .
* /
function endGroup ( ) {
command _1 . issue ( 'endgroup' ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
exports . endGroup = endGroup ;
/ * *
* Wrap an asynchronous function call in a group .
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* Returns the same type as the function itself .
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* @ param name The name of the group
* @ param fn The function to wrap in the group
* /
function group ( name , fn ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
startGroup ( name ) ;
let result ;
try {
result = yield fn ( ) ;
finally {
endGroup ( ) ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
return result ;
} ) ;
exports . group = group ;
// Wrapper action state
/ * *
* Saves state for current action , the state can only be retrieved by this action ' s post job execution .
* @ param name name of the state to store
* @ param value value to store . Non - string values will be converted to a string via JSON . stringify
* /
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function saveState ( name , value ) {
command _1 . issueCommand ( 'save-state' , { name } , value ) ;
exports . saveState = saveState ;
/ * *
* Gets the value of an state set by this action ' s main execution .
* @ param name name of the state to get
* @ returns string
* /
function getState ( name ) {
return process . env [ ` STATE_ ${ name } ` ] || '' ;
exports . getState = getState ;
//# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 295 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _createBinding = ( this && this . _ _createBinding ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
Object . defineProperty ( o , k2 , { enumerable : true , get : function ( ) { return m [ k ] ; } } ) ;
} ) : ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
o [ k2 ] = m [ k ] ;
} ) ) ;
var _ _setModuleDefault = ( this && this . _ _setModuleDefault ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , v ) {
Object . defineProperty ( o , "default" , { enumerable : true , value : v } ) ;
} ) : function ( o , v ) {
o [ "default" ] = v ;
} ) ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( k !== "default" && Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) _ _createBinding ( result , mod , k ) ;
_ _setModuleDefault ( result , mod ) ;
return result ;
} ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _ _importDefault = ( this && this . _ _importDefault ) || function ( mod ) {
return ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) ? mod : { "default" : mod } ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
exports . use = exports . isAvailable = exports . getImageID = exports . getImageIDFile = void 0 ;
const fs _1 = _ _importDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 747 ) ) ;
const path _1 = _ _importDefault ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ) ;
const context = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 842 ) ) ;
const exec = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 757 ) ) ;
function getImageIDFile ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
return path _1 . default . join ( context . tmpDir , 'iidfile' ) ;
} ) ;
exports . getImageIDFile = getImageIDFile ;
function getImageID ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const iidFile = yield getImageIDFile ( ) ;
if ( ! fs _1 . default . existsSync ( iidFile ) ) {
return undefined ;
return fs _1 . default . readFileSync ( iidFile , { encoding : 'utf-8' } ) ;
} ) ;
exports . getImageID = getImageID ;
function isAvailable ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
return yield exec . exec ( ` docker ` , [ 'buildx' ] , true ) . then ( res => {
if ( res . stderr != '' && ! res . success ) {
return false ;
return res . success ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
exports . isAvailable = isAvailable ;
function use ( builder ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
return yield exec . exec ( ` docker ` , [ 'buildx' , 'use' , '--builder' , builder ] , false ) . then ( res => {
if ( res . stderr != '' && ! res . success ) {
throw new Error ( res . stderr ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
exports . use = use ;
//# sourceMappingURL=buildx.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 351 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) result [ k ] = mod [ k ] ;
result [ "default" ] = mod ;
return result ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const os = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 87 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Commands
* Command Format :
* : : name key = value , key = value : : message
* Examples :
* : : warning : : This is the message
* : : set - env name = MY _VAR : : some value
* /
function issueCommand ( command , properties , message ) {
const cmd = new Command ( command , properties , message ) ;
process . stdout . write ( cmd . toString ( ) + os . EOL ) ;
exports . issueCommand = issueCommand ;
function issue ( name , message = '' ) {
issueCommand ( name , { } , message ) ;
exports . issue = issue ;
const CMD _STRING = '::' ;
class Command {
constructor ( command , properties , message ) {
if ( ! command ) {
command = 'missing.command' ;
this . command = command ;
this . properties = properties ;
this . message = message ;
toString ( ) {
let cmdStr = CMD _STRING + this . command ;
if ( this . properties && Object . keys ( this . properties ) . length > 0 ) {
cmdStr += ' ' ;
let first = true ;
for ( const key in this . properties ) {
if ( this . properties . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
const val = this . properties [ key ] ;
if ( val ) {
if ( first ) {
first = false ;
else {
cmdStr += ',' ;
cmdStr += ` ${ key } = ${ escapeProperty ( val ) } ` ;
cmdStr += ` ${ CMD _STRING } ${ escapeData ( this . message ) } ` ;
return cmdStr ;
/ * *
* Sanitizes an input into a string so it can be passed into issueCommand safely
* @ param input input to sanitize into a string
* /
function toCommandValue ( input ) {
if ( input === null || input === undefined ) {
return '' ;
else if ( typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String ) {
return input ;
return JSON . stringify ( input ) ;
exports . toCommandValue = toCommandValue ;
function escapeData ( s ) {
return toCommandValue ( s )
. replace ( /%/g , '%25' )
. replace ( /\r/g , '%0D' )
. replace ( /\n/g , '%0A' ) ;
function escapeProperty ( s ) {
return toCommandValue ( s )
. replace ( /%/g , '%25' )
. replace ( /\r/g , '%0D' )
. replace ( /\n/g , '%0A' )
. replace ( /:/g , '%3A' )
. replace ( /,/g , '%2C' ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=command.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 357 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "assert" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 436 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const childProcess = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 129 ) ;
const path = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ;
const util _1 = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 669 ) ;
const ioUtil = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 962 ) ;
const exec = util _1 . promisify ( childProcess . exec ) ;
/ * *
* Copies a file or folder .
* Based off of shelljs - https : //github.com/shelljs/shelljs/blob/9237f66c52e5daa40458f94f9565e18e8132f5a6/src/cp.js
* @ param source source path
* @ param dest destination path
* @ param options optional . See CopyOptions .
* /
function cp ( source , dest , options = { } ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const { force , recursive } = readCopyOptions ( options ) ;
const destStat = ( yield ioUtil . exists ( dest ) ) ? yield ioUtil . stat ( dest ) : null ;
// Dest is an existing file, but not forcing
if ( destStat && destStat . isFile ( ) && ! force ) {
return ;
// If dest is an existing directory, should copy inside.
const newDest = destStat && destStat . isDirectory ( )
? path . join ( dest , path . basename ( source ) )
: dest ;
if ( ! ( yield ioUtil . exists ( source ) ) ) {
throw new Error ( ` no such file or directory: ${ source } ` ) ;
const sourceStat = yield ioUtil . stat ( source ) ;
if ( sourceStat . isDirectory ( ) ) {
if ( ! recursive ) {
throw new Error ( ` Failed to copy. ${ source } is a directory, but tried to copy without recursive flag. ` ) ;
else {
yield cpDirRecursive ( source , newDest , 0 , force ) ;
else {
if ( path . relative ( source , newDest ) === '' ) {
// a file cannot be copied to itself
throw new Error ( ` ' ${ newDest } ' and ' ${ source } ' are the same file ` ) ;
yield copyFile ( source , newDest , force ) ;
} ) ;
exports . cp = cp ;
/ * *
* Moves a path .
* @ param source source path
* @ param dest destination path
* @ param options optional . See MoveOptions .
* /
function mv ( source , dest , options = { } ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( yield ioUtil . exists ( dest ) ) {
let destExists = true ;
if ( yield ioUtil . isDirectory ( dest ) ) {
// If dest is directory copy src into dest
dest = path . join ( dest , path . basename ( source ) ) ;
destExists = yield ioUtil . exists ( dest ) ;
if ( destExists ) {
if ( options . force == null || options . force ) {
yield rmRF ( dest ) ;
else {
throw new Error ( 'Destination already exists' ) ;
yield mkdirP ( path . dirname ( dest ) ) ;
yield ioUtil . rename ( source , dest ) ;
} ) ;
exports . mv = mv ;
/ * *
* Remove a path recursively with force
* @ param inputPath path to remove
* /
function rmRF ( inputPath ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( ioUtil . IS _WINDOWS ) {
// Node doesn't provide a delete operation, only an unlink function. This means that if the file is being used by another
// program (e.g. antivirus), it won't be deleted. To address this, we shell out the work to rd/del.
try {
if ( yield ioUtil . isDirectory ( inputPath , true ) ) {
yield exec ( ` rd /s /q " ${ inputPath } " ` ) ;
else {
yield exec ( ` del /f /a " ${ inputPath } " ` ) ;
catch ( err ) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if ( err . code !== 'ENOENT' )
throw err ;
// Shelling out fails to remove a symlink folder with missing source, this unlink catches that
try {
yield ioUtil . unlink ( inputPath ) ;
catch ( err ) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if ( err . code !== 'ENOENT' )
throw err ;
else {
let isDir = false ;
try {
isDir = yield ioUtil . isDirectory ( inputPath ) ;
catch ( err ) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if ( err . code !== 'ENOENT' )
throw err ;
return ;
if ( isDir ) {
yield exec ( ` rm -rf " ${ inputPath } " ` ) ;
else {
yield ioUtil . unlink ( inputPath ) ;
} ) ;
exports . rmRF = rmRF ;
/ * *
* Make a directory . Creates the full path with folders in between
* Will throw if it fails
* @ param fsPath path to create
* @ returns Promise < void >
* /
function mkdirP ( fsPath ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
yield ioUtil . mkdirP ( fsPath ) ;
} ) ;
exports . mkdirP = mkdirP ;
/ * *
* Returns path of a tool had the tool actually been invoked . Resolves via paths .
* If you check and the tool does not exist , it will throw .
* @ param tool name of the tool
* @ param check whether to check if tool exists
* @ returns Promise < string > path to tool
* /
function which ( tool , check ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( ! tool ) {
throw new Error ( "parameter 'tool' is required" ) ;
// recursive when check=true
if ( check ) {
const result = yield which ( tool , false ) ;
if ( ! result ) {
if ( ioUtil . IS _WINDOWS ) {
throw new Error ( ` Unable to locate executable file: ${ tool } . Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also verify the file has a valid extension for an executable file. ` ) ;
else {
throw new Error ( ` Unable to locate executable file: ${ tool } . Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable. ` ) ;
try {
// build the list of extensions to try
const extensions = [ ] ;
if ( ioUtil . IS _WINDOWS && process . env . PATHEXT ) {
for ( const extension of process . env . PATHEXT . split ( path . delimiter ) ) {
if ( extension ) {
extensions . push ( extension ) ;
// if it's rooted, return it if exists. otherwise return empty.
if ( ioUtil . isRooted ( tool ) ) {
const filePath = yield ioUtil . tryGetExecutablePath ( tool , extensions ) ;
if ( filePath ) {
return filePath ;
return '' ;
// if any path separators, return empty
if ( tool . includes ( '/' ) || ( ioUtil . IS _WINDOWS && tool . includes ( '\\' ) ) ) {
return '' ;
// build the list of directories
// Note, technically "where" checks the current directory on Windows. From a toolkit perspective,
// it feels like we should not do this. Checking the current directory seems like more of a use
// case of a shell, and the which() function exposed by the toolkit should strive for consistency
// across platforms.
const directories = [ ] ;
if ( process . env . PATH ) {
for ( const p of process . env . PATH . split ( path . delimiter ) ) {
if ( p ) {
directories . push ( p ) ;
// return the first match
for ( const directory of directories ) {
const filePath = yield ioUtil . tryGetExecutablePath ( directory + path . sep + tool , extensions ) ;
if ( filePath ) {
return filePath ;
return '' ;
catch ( err ) {
throw new Error ( ` which failed with message ${ err . message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
exports . which = which ;
function readCopyOptions ( options ) {
const force = options . force == null ? true : options . force ;
const recursive = Boolean ( options . recursive ) ;
return { force , recursive } ;
function cpDirRecursive ( sourceDir , destDir , currentDepth , force ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
// Ensure there is not a run away recursive copy
if ( currentDepth >= 255 )
return ;
currentDepth ++ ;
yield mkdirP ( destDir ) ;
const files = yield ioUtil . readdir ( sourceDir ) ;
for ( const fileName of files ) {
const srcFile = ` ${ sourceDir } / ${ fileName } ` ;
const destFile = ` ${ destDir } / ${ fileName } ` ;
const srcFileStat = yield ioUtil . lstat ( srcFile ) ;
if ( srcFileStat . isDirectory ( ) ) {
// Recurse
yield cpDirRecursive ( srcFile , destFile , currentDepth , force ) ;
else {
yield copyFile ( srcFile , destFile , force ) ;
// Change the mode for the newly created directory
yield ioUtil . chmod ( destDir , ( yield ioUtil . stat ( sourceDir ) ) . mode ) ;
} ) ;
// Buffered file copy
function copyFile ( srcFile , destFile , force ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( ( yield ioUtil . lstat ( srcFile ) ) . isSymbolicLink ( ) ) {
// unlink/re-link it
try {
yield ioUtil . lstat ( destFile ) ;
yield ioUtil . unlink ( destFile ) ;
catch ( e ) {
// Try to override file permission
if ( e . code === 'EPERM' ) {
yield ioUtil . chmod ( destFile , '0666' ) ;
yield ioUtil . unlink ( destFile ) ;
// other errors = it doesn't exist, no work to do
// Copy over symlink
const symlinkFull = yield ioUtil . readlink ( srcFile ) ;
yield ioUtil . symlink ( symlinkFull , destFile , ioUtil . IS _WINDOWS ? 'junction' : null ) ;
else if ( ! ( yield ioUtil . exists ( destFile ) ) || force ) {
yield ioUtil . copyFile ( srcFile , destFile ) ;
} ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=io.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 514 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) result [ k ] = mod [ k ] ;
result [ "default" ] = mod ;
return result ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const tr = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 159 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Exec a command .
* Output will be streamed to the live console .
* Returns promise with return code
* @ param commandLine command to execute ( can include additional args ) . Must be correctly escaped .
* @ param args optional arguments for tool . Escaping is handled by the lib .
* @ param options optional exec options . See ExecOptions
* @ returns Promise < number > exit code
* /
function exec ( commandLine , args , options ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const commandArgs = tr . argStringToArray ( commandLine ) ;
if ( commandArgs . length === 0 ) {
throw new Error ( ` Parameter 'commandLine' cannot be null or empty. ` ) ;
// Path to tool to execute should be first arg
const toolPath = commandArgs [ 0 ] ;
args = commandArgs . slice ( 1 ) . concat ( args || [ ] ) ;
const runner = new tr . ToolRunner ( toolPath , args , options ) ;
return runner . exec ( ) ;
} ) ;
exports . exec = exec ;
//# sourceMappingURL=exec.js.map
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 614 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "events" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 622 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "path" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 669 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "util" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 747 :
/***/ ( function ( module ) {
module . exports = require ( "fs" ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ 757 :
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
"use strict" ;
var _ _createBinding = ( this && this . _ _createBinding ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
Object . defineProperty ( o , k2 , { enumerable : true , get : function ( ) { return m [ k ] ; } } ) ;
} ) : ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
o [ k2 ] = m [ k ] ;
} ) ) ;
var _ _setModuleDefault = ( this && this . _ _setModuleDefault ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , v ) {
Object . defineProperty ( o , "default" , { enumerable : true , value : v } ) ;
} ) : function ( o , v ) {
o [ "default" ] = v ;
} ) ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( k !== "default" && Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) _ _createBinding ( result , mod , k ) ;
_ _setModuleDefault ( result , mod ) ;
return result ;
} ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
exports . exec = void 0 ;
const aexec = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 514 ) ) ;
exports . exec = ( command , args = [ ] , silent ) => _ _awaiter ( void 0 , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let stdout = '' ;
let stderr = '' ;
const options = {
silent : silent ,
ignoreReturnCode : true
} ;
options . listeners = {
stdout : ( data ) => {
stdout += data . toString ( ) ;
} ,
stderr : ( data ) => {
stderr += data . toString ( ) ;
} ;
const returnCode = yield aexec . exec ( command , args , options ) ;
return {
success : returnCode === 0 ,
stdout : stdout . trim ( ) ,
stderr : stderr . trim ( )
} ;
} ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=exec.js.map
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
/***/ } ) ,
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
/***/ 842 :
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
"use strict" ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
var _ _createBinding = ( this && this . _ _createBinding ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
Object . defineProperty ( o , k2 , { enumerable : true , get : function ( ) { return m [ k ] ; } } ) ;
} ) : ( function ( o , m , k , k2 ) {
if ( k2 === undefined ) k2 = k ;
o [ k2 ] = m [ k ] ;
} ) ) ;
var _ _setModuleDefault = ( this && this . _ _setModuleDefault ) || ( Object . create ? ( function ( o , v ) {
Object . defineProperty ( o , "default" , { enumerable : true , value : v } ) ;
} ) : function ( o , v ) {
o [ "default" ] = v ;
} ) ;
var _ _importStar = ( this && this . _ _importStar ) || function ( mod ) {
if ( mod && mod . _ _esModule ) return mod ;
var result = { } ;
if ( mod != null ) for ( var k in mod ) if ( k !== "default" && Object . hasOwnProperty . call ( mod , k ) ) _ _createBinding ( result , mod , k ) ;
_ _setModuleDefault ( result , mod ) ;
return result ;
} ;
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
exports . asyncForEach = exports . getInputList = exports . getArgs = exports . getInputs = exports . tmpDir = void 0 ;
const fs = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 747 ) ) ;
const os = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 87 ) ) ;
const path = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ) ;
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
const buildx = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 295 ) ) ;
const core = _ _importStar ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 186 ) ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
exports . tmpDir = fs . mkdtempSync ( path . join ( os . tmpdir ( ) , 'docker-build-push-' ) ) ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
function getInputs ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
return {
context : core . getInput ( 'context' ) || '.' ,
file : core . getInput ( 'file' ) || './Dockerfile' ,
buildArgs : yield getInputList ( 'build-args' ) ,
labels : yield getInputList ( 'labels' ) ,
tags : yield getInputList ( 'tags' ) ,
pull : /true/i . test ( core . getInput ( 'pull' ) ) ,
target : core . getInput ( 'target' ) ,
allow : yield getInputList ( 'allow' ) ,
noCache : /true/i . test ( core . getInput ( 'no-cache' ) ) ,
builder : core . getInput ( 'builder' ) ,
platforms : yield getInputList ( 'platforms' ) ,
load : /true/i . test ( core . getInput ( 'load' ) ) ,
push : /true/i . test ( core . getInput ( 'push' ) ) ,
outputs : yield getInputList ( 'outputs' ) ,
cacheFrom : yield getInputList ( 'cache-from' ) ,
cacheTo : yield getInputList ( 'cache-to' )
} ;
} ) ;
exports . getInputs = getInputs ;
function getArgs ( inputs ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let args = [ 'buildx' ] ;
args . push . apply ( args , yield getBuildArgs ( inputs ) ) ;
args . push . apply ( args , yield getCommonArgs ( inputs ) ) ;
args . push ( inputs . context ) ;
return args ;
} ) ;
exports . getArgs = getArgs ;
function getBuildArgs ( inputs ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let args = [ 'build' ] ;
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . buildArgs , ( buildArg ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--build-arg' , buildArg ) ;
} ) ) ;
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . labels , ( label ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--label' , label ) ;
} ) ) ;
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . tags , ( tag ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--tag' , tag ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( inputs . target ) {
args . push ( '--target' , inputs . target ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
if ( inputs . allow . length > 0 ) {
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
args . push ( '--allow' , inputs . allow . join ( ',' ) ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
if ( inputs . platforms . length > 0 ) {
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
args . push ( '--platform' , inputs . platforms . join ( ',' ) ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
else {
args . push ( '--iidfile' , yield buildx . getImageIDFile ( ) ) ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . outputs , ( output ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--output' , output ) ;
} ) ) ;
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . cacheFrom , ( cacheFrom ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--cache-from' , cacheFrom ) ;
} ) ) ;
yield exports . asyncForEach ( inputs . cacheTo , ( cacheTo ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
args . push ( '--cache-to' , cacheTo ) ;
} ) ) ;
if ( inputs . file ) {
args . push ( '--file' , inputs . file ) ;
return args ;
} ) ;
2020-08-17 20:18:15 +00:00
function getCommonArgs ( inputs ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let args = [ ] ;
if ( inputs . noCache ) {
args . push ( '--no-cache' ) ;
if ( inputs . pull ) {
args . push ( '--pull' ) ;
if ( inputs . load ) {
args . push ( '--load' ) ;
if ( inputs . push ) {
args . push ( '--push' ) ;
return args ;
} ) ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
function getInputList ( name ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const items = core . getInput ( name ) ;
if ( items == '' ) {
return [ ] ;
return items . split ( /\r?\n/ ) . reduce ( ( acc , line ) => acc . concat ( line . split ( ',' ) ) . map ( pat => pat . trim ( ) ) , [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
exports . getInputList = getInputList ;
exports . asyncForEach = ( array , callback ) => _ _awaiter ( void 0 , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
for ( let index = 0 ; index < array . length ; index ++ ) {
yield callback ( array [ index ] , index , array ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
} ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=context.js.map
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
/***/ } ) ,
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-21 11:39:42 +00:00
/***/ 962 :
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
/***/ ( function ( _ _unusedmodule , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
"use strict" ;
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
var _ _awaiter = ( this && this . _ _awaiter ) || function ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var _a ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
const assert _1 = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 357 ) ;
const fs = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 747 ) ;
const path = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( 622 ) ;
_a = fs . promises , exports . chmod = _a . chmod , exports . copyFile = _a . copyFile , exports . lstat = _a . lstat , exports . mkdir = _a . mkdir , exports . readdir = _a . readdir , exports . readlink = _a . readlink , exports . rename = _a . rename , exports . rmdir = _a . rmdir , exports . stat = _a . stat , exports . symlink = _a . symlink , exports . unlink = _a . unlink ;
exports . IS _WINDOWS = process . platform === 'win32' ;
function exists ( fsPath ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
try {
yield exports . stat ( fsPath ) ;
catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code === 'ENOENT' ) {
return false ;
throw err ;
return true ;
} ) ;
exports . exists = exists ;
function isDirectory ( fsPath , useStat = false ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
const stats = useStat ? yield exports . stat ( fsPath ) : yield exports . lstat ( fsPath ) ;
return stats . isDirectory ( ) ;
} ) ;
exports . isDirectory = isDirectory ;
/ * *
* On OSX / Linux , true if path starts with '/' . On Windows , true for paths like :
* \ , \ hello , \ \ hello \ share , C : , and C : \ hello ( and corresponding alternate separator cases ) .
* /
function isRooted ( p ) {
p = normalizeSeparators ( p ) ;
if ( ! p ) {
throw new Error ( 'isRooted() parameter "p" cannot be empty' ) ;
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
if ( exports . IS _WINDOWS ) {
return ( p . startsWith ( '\\' ) || /^[A-Z]:/i . test ( p ) // e.g. \ or \hello or \\hello
) ; // e.g. C: or C:\hello
return p . startsWith ( '/' ) ;
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
exports . isRooted = isRooted ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
/ * *
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* Recursively create a directory at ` fsPath ` .
* This implementation is optimistic , meaning it attempts to create the full
* path first , and backs up the path stack from there .
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* @ param fsPath The path to create
* @ param maxDepth The maximum recursion depth
* @ param depth The current recursion depth
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
function mkdirP ( fsPath , maxDepth = 1000 , depth = 1 ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
assert _1 . ok ( fsPath , 'a path argument must be provided' ) ;
fsPath = path . resolve ( fsPath ) ;
if ( depth >= maxDepth )
return exports . mkdir ( fsPath ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
try {
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
yield exports . mkdir ( fsPath ) ;
return ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
catch ( err ) {
switch ( err . code ) {
case 'ENOENT' : {
yield mkdirP ( path . dirname ( fsPath ) , maxDepth , depth + 1 ) ;
yield exports . mkdir ( fsPath ) ;
return ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
default : {
let stats ;
try {
stats = yield exports . stat ( fsPath ) ;
catch ( err2 ) {
throw err ;
if ( ! stats . isDirectory ( ) )
throw err ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
} ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
exports . mkdirP = mkdirP ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
/ * *
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
* Best effort attempt to determine whether a file exists and is executable .
* @ param filePath file path to check
* @ param extensions additional file extensions to try
* @ return if file exists and is executable , returns the file path . otherwise empty string .
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
* /
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
function tryGetExecutablePath ( filePath , extensions ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
let stats = undefined ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
try {
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// test file exists
stats = yield exports . stat ( filePath ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code !== 'ENOENT' ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console . log ( ` Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists ' ${ filePath } ': ${ err } ` ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
if ( stats && stats . isFile ( ) ) {
if ( exports . IS _WINDOWS ) {
// on Windows, test for valid extension
const upperExt = path . extname ( filePath ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( extensions . some ( validExt => validExt . toUpperCase ( ) === upperExt ) ) {
return filePath ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
else {
if ( isUnixExecutable ( stats ) ) {
return filePath ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// try each extension
const originalFilePath = filePath ;
for ( const extension of extensions ) {
filePath = originalFilePath + extension ;
stats = undefined ;
try {
stats = yield exports . stat ( filePath ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code !== 'ENOENT' ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console . log ( ` Unexpected error attempting to determine if executable file exists ' ${ filePath } ': ${ err } ` ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
if ( stats && stats . isFile ( ) ) {
if ( exports . IS _WINDOWS ) {
// preserve the case of the actual file (since an extension was appended)
try {
const directory = path . dirname ( filePath ) ;
const upperName = path . basename ( filePath ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
for ( const actualName of yield exports . readdir ( directory ) ) {
if ( upperName === actualName . toUpperCase ( ) ) {
filePath = path . join ( directory , actualName ) ;
break ;
catch ( err ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console . log ( ` Unexpected error attempting to determine the actual case of the file ' ${ filePath } ': ${ err } ` ) ;
return filePath ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
else {
if ( isUnixExecutable ( stats ) ) {
return filePath ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
return '' ;
} ) ;
2020-08-16 17:13:19 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
exports . tryGetExecutablePath = tryGetExecutablePath ;
function normalizeSeparators ( p ) {
p = p || '' ;
if ( exports . IS _WINDOWS ) {
// convert slashes on Windows
p = p . replace ( /\//g , '\\' ) ;
// remove redundant slashes
return p . replace ( /\\\\+/g , '\\' ) ;
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// remove redundant slashes
return p . replace ( /\/\/+/g , '/' ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
// on Mac/Linux, test the execute bit
// R W X R W X R W X
// 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
function isUnixExecutable ( stats ) {
return ( ( stats . mode & 1 ) > 0 ||
( ( stats . mode & 8 ) > 0 && stats . gid === process . getgid ( ) ) ||
( ( stats . mode & 64 ) > 0 && stats . uid === process . getuid ( ) ) ) ;
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
//# sourceMappingURL=io-util.js.map
2020-08-15 22:36:41 +00:00
2020-08-16 20:31:37 +00:00
/***/ } )
2020-08-17 16:35:15 +00:00
/******/ } ) ;